Important Documents, Permits and Applications

Listed are several permits and applications required for work and improvement to Village right-of-way or infrastructure. Please be sure to submit and allow ample time for Village Staff to review.  Applications can be dropped off or mailed to Village Hall Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm.


Garbage Collection Calendar-Garbage, Recycling, Yard Waste Site, Parking, and Holiday Tree Collections Calendar.


Fence Permit-For new, replacement or some cases repair of fence


Tree Planting/Removal Permit-For removal or planting a tree within the road and sidewalk.


Road Opening Permit-For work within the Village right of way or road opening.


Sump Pump Connection Permit-For connecting sump line to the Village storm water system



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Diggers Hotline

Please make sure to call or visit Diggers Hotline before performing any digging or excavation on your property.